TRACT 1: Conflict Resolution & Group Decision-Making

AM Class:
CL122 Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Resolution: Keep Cool Get Results
Keeping cool in times of conflict is not always easy, and conflict is not always bad. This interactive and engaging workshop is focused on managing conflict constructively and productively. During this workshop you will: identify your “hot buttons”; learn to recognize the signs that they have been pushed; understand how they affect your ability to communicate effectively; and practice proven techniques to manage your emotions for productive outcomes. You’ll also hear from other about their “hot buttons” and how you can recognize signs when someone else is about to “blow up.” You will learn about the internal and external factors that contribute to conflict and you will come away with some concrete skills to put to use in managing conflict on your board, in your neighborhood, at work, and in your family!

PM Class:
CL123 Facilitating Group Decision Making:
Community leaders often feel they are alone in “getting things done.” What if you could harness creativity, excitement and labor of your whole group, board, or team? One way for a leader to increase participation, make decisions that get acted upon, and achieve outstanding results is to intentionally make decisions as a team. In this workshop you will have the opportunity to learn, and practice, how to facilitate your group’s process in a participatory way to make decisions, build relationships and commitments for long-term success, and develop additional leaders who share the responsibility to “get it done.” You will learn about the dynamics of group decision-making, how to choose the appropriate process when solving problems or taking actions, and you will practice your facilitation skills. Become a more effective leader by intentionally engaging group members in making decisions.