Chris Ramsey


In Loving Memory of:

Mr. Chris Ramsey

Date of Passing: January 16, 2021

Age: 54

Hometown: Chattanooga, TN

About Chris

What was your loved one's occupation? 
"Insurance broker."

What did your loved one enjoy doing?
"Helping the underserved in meeting their needs and to have a better life experience."

Special Memories:
"Chris, my dear friend, was a true example of a man fulfilling his God given purpose on this earth. He planted the seeds in Chattanooga to make it a better place for our young men through the Boys Leadership Conference; the improved health status of our minorities through the Minority Health Fair and his untiring effort to get residents of the underserved neighborhoods in Chattanooga tested so they would know if they had contracted the Conoravirus, in order, to get immediate treatment.

Chris, my friend, did so so much. His South East Tennessee Consortium Foundation sponsored a day long "Tour with Lunch for Seniors" in Nov. 2019, in order, for them to see the changing Chattanooga and Hamilton County. What a wonderful day it was for our seniors.

Everyone knew and loved Chris for what he continued to do to improve the lives of others. We will truly miss him, his smile and his deep desire to help others---a real warrior for the underserved.

We just never know the day nor the hour, so we soldier on to make this a better place for all people in God's name."


Submitted by:
Dr. Everlena Holmes,
